How do you feel about them as it relates to Women's Liberation, or ';Respect'; towards women in general?
Do they aid or hinder the Women's Movement?What is your opinion of Beauty Pagaents, Miss America Contests, etc.?
It is about branding a woman who took part in the contest as the most beautiful woman for a year just like branding the horses in the west.
What they dont seem to realize is that there are millions of ordinary next door women who are even more beautiful and that isnt just skin deep.
Nowadays you have branded men like Mr.America or universe.
I probably couldnt find a woman more beautiful than the one who cooks for me and makes me a father and runs my castle.What is your opinion of Beauty Pagaents, Miss America Contests, etc.?
Thank you my dear i promise to you that GWS section will never ne just about rants nut something special!! Report Abuse
depends upon how one see it. if you see it as women wanting to be seen as beautiful and want to win a contest of who is more so this year then perhaps not. but if one see it as men wanting to goak at women and label one the hottest of the year then i suppose it is hu. For that mater does man of the year or most available bachelor hinder the women's movement ? men find women to be attractive and sexy it is normal and women find men to be attractive and sexy it is normal. but do we ever hear women are pig because they pursue men ............ no but we sure do with men pursuing women . This is a thing that really has no place in equality and really should not be part of your movement unless you really do not want us to pursue you. will never happen all that will happen is you all will just make it harder and harder to do so is all.
It's not something I would ever want to be involved in, I find it outdated and a little ridiculous. But to each their own I suppose. I think there should be more emphasis on the intellectual capacity of these women, not on their baton twirling capabilities. I don't however agree with child pagents at all, little girls parading around in makeup...kind of creepy.
It doesn't bother me. All of those women have reasons to be there besides beauty, they're smart and they do good things for their communities. I don't watch them, but they celebrate people being their best and as far as entertainment goes, it sure beats watching prostitutes getting arrested on Cops.
although I don't find it entertaining and would certainly never partake... to each there own.
I would like it if the pageants focus more on the whole package, beautiful and highly intelligent... that is probably the direction pageants with evolve.
I agree that child pageants are detrimental to a kids sense of self worth, you have to doll yourself up to be viewed as ';good'; or to receive attention.
Adults-The women choose to do it so it shouldn't affect anything. Everyone has a choice in what they do just like women like it.
Childrens pageants- I'd be to afraid that watching them would give me a five star wanted level. I don't like the little kids dressing up and wearing make-up It creepy. 15+ i think is fine.
The best invention of the human brain yet. Without it Beauty will never get the respect it deserves and gets now. ';Talent'; should be recognised in whatever form it is.
';Women's movement'; - Huh? Are we talking about like 80 years in the past?
Useless but harmless. ';Women's Movement'; neither aided nor hindered.
Child beauty pageants: depraved, harmful, twisted, and completely unnecessary.
It's just extremely dumb. Not worth watching. It really makes not only us women look bad but our country! I mean god! Look at the example of Miss Teen USA South Carolina, that was pitiful.
I believe in civil liberties. If somebody wants to do it it's their business. I don't think they have that much of an affect on things issues in general.
I really could care less. If a woman wants to be competitive in a pageant so be it. God bless if, he not, she doesn't have too. It has no bearing or affect on me as a woman.
Boring and stupid. There are so many better forms for entertainment where you can see attractive women. Why watch that?
I can't believe its still going. They need to spice it up or get rid of it.
I see it as an ultimate contest to determine the very best of the very best!
Except for the stupid interview questions...
I think it hinders. Any woman that needs approval of others to feel beautiful, has some serious esteem issues.
I think it a womanizing show.They strut them out like cattle in their skimpy bikinis for a side sex show..It s a waste of time if you ask me.
Just birdbrains looking for a chance to become famous.
sad and boring and i wonder how they have a market and who that market is?
don't care, they are more of a talent show anyways. and a poor one at that.
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