Monday, August 23, 2010

Why has the idea of plastic beauty invaded our society with such force?

In today's society, we are obssessed wtih the perfect body. When did perfection become measurable with plastic surgery? Why the push for such painstaking perfection?Why has the idea of plastic beauty invaded our society with such force?
As Americans, we have become increasingly lazy over recent decades. With advances in technology, we want everything to be easier and better. It's easier to get the perfect body through cosmetic surgery, liposuction, and surgical implants than it is to work for the perfect body through physical exercise.

In addition, Americans today have an easier lifestyle, with more time for recreation. We see images of perfection on television, in movies, on billboards, in magazines--essentially, everywhere we look (ignore the fact that most of these paradigms of ';beauty'; are typically airbrushed to perfection). The media influences our emotions; it causes us to feel imperfect--inadequate--to the point that we become disgusted with ourselves. The solution? Fix it. Nip here, tuck there.

Of course, after the surgery, most people still feel the same. Empty. Imperfect. Ugly.

And the cycle continues. Ultimately, it's all about the all-powerful dollar. There is money to be made in making the population at large feel ugly.Why has the idea of plastic beauty invaded our society with such force?
your typing on it
People are empty inside. In a materialistic society, the superficial rules. Plus, what better way to make people buy your stuff than convincing them they are not good enough without it?

It's all bling, because bling can be bought and sold. What's really important can't be put in a can. You have to make that yourself.
Why do superficial guys go after the 'perfect bod'? How many guys go after the fat chick? It's one of those what came first the chicken or the egg. Women have always worried about their weight. Remember corsets with whale bone stays. Nothing new we just have magazines throwing it in our faces.
People don't have time to know other people and prefer just to see the exterior. For example, in movies the good guys are good looking and the bad guys ugly.

We know that most of the people are going to judge us for a first impresion or a glimpse, so we try to be attractive for them.
Some folks would rather look good than feel good.... or they equate looking good with feeling good.

It's a little sad to me that folks are opting for surgery rather than aging gracefully. A small part of reconstructive surgery is to correct true deformations of the face and figure......... it seems more folks have reconstruction done purely for vanity.
why? because people want to be as close to perfection as they can. People give opportunities to people who are good looking. If you have some brain and lots of looks it can take you places. Perfection isn't really measurable to anything, it is what one thinks is perfect that he or she sets for. and finally no pain no gain. I'm not saying that its the greatest thing ever but it gives people the confidence they need. Think of it this way its a healthier alternative to anorexia.
Always yearning for the better-appearance, appearance only, and not performance!
I believe that the idea of plastic beauty has invaded our society because now it is affordable to the average person. Years ago only the really wealthy could afford plastic surgery. I also think it is due to the advances made in that area. I feel that people should do what makes them feel good about themselves. Personally I think it is due to low self-esteem and fear of dying. Even if you keep your body painstakingly perfect; it isn't going to keep you from getting old or the inevitable!
I see alot of the answers using the word people, may I enquire as to whether they include themselves in that?

The beauty game relates to our base desires, women wear lipstick (traditionally) to show they are flushed, excited, ready for sex. Which is good for a man because he doesn't have to mess about with chat or foreplay he can just get down to furthering his genes. We can say the same for breast implants. If a women has big boobs she will be able to feed the child, and the child will grow up big and strong and continue the process.

To argue against beauty is like arguing against breathing -it is part of the process that keeps the human race going
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