Friday, August 20, 2010

Do you think that beauty gives you an advantage in life?

We get told all the time that beauty is everything from Hollywood and the fashion industry.

We get told all the time from parents, friends, teachers, etc. that ';inner beauty'; is all that matters.

What do you think? Does physical beauty give you an advantage in life?

I'll post my opinion after I get some answers if anyone cares. I just don't want my opinion to affect what other people write.Do you think that beauty gives you an advantage in life?
Physical beauty really helps in boosting your self-esteem and confidence. It will make you feel more beautiful but that is where vanity starts.

In time, physical beauty will just fade away and that is where ';inner beauty'; is seen. You'll just waste money spending them on beauty products. Do you think that beauty gives you an advantage in life?
Oh, without a doubt.

I had some serious hypothyroidism-related issues for a few years and as a result was decidedly fat, had thin hair, and generally looked ';blah'; during that time.

After getting it treated, I became much skinnier/stronger and generally had a MUCH healthier appearance. Supposedly, I'm quite attractive now.

I can tell you from my own personal experience that it gives a HUGE advantage.

Store clerks are more patient with you and far more likely to help you get what you want.

Making friends is considerably easier, albeit the quality of the friends drops off a bit.

Snagging dates/relationships is exponentially easier.. hell, usually I don't even have to do the chasing!

It even goes as far as teachers at schools (females, anyway).. before, I'd get huge lectures if I was late handing in assignments, etc. After, a bit of an ashamed/sulky/pouty look (and a gracious smile afterward) would get me off the hook 100% of the time.

Admittedly, a lot of that may also have been related to my own personal confidence levels and how I carried myself. Still, in my experience... yes, it can give you an advantage.

On the other hand, it can also be a huge disadvantage. People make assumptions about you being a sexmongerer, shallow, etc. when you're anything but.
Beauty is definitely advantageous. But if you see a beautiful man or woman, they may have no idea that they're beautiful. People think they're conceited when they may be really shy and insecure, or they think that all they have to bring to the table is their looks. I remember Kim Novak's character in the movie ';Picnic,'; when she said ';Oh, mother, sometimes I just get so sick of being told how pretty I am.'; No one had ever given her credit for anything else, and her mother kept pushing her to get married to a rich guy while she was still pretty. The mom said that while a woman is still young and pretty, ';she's the equal of kings.'; I think that's true.

Inner beauty IS the most important thing in the long run, and people who have always depended on their looks will have a harder time with aging than with people who were ok-looking but never thought that all they had was beauty.
i think that depending on what kind of person you are they yes beauty gives you an advantage in life

if your pretty girl and you like a cute guy then most likely he'll like too...

if your not so pretty it might be harder to please the guy without pretty looks...

thats where inner beauty counts the most

if your ';inner beauty'; shines through then most people can see that maybe in some situations looks dont matter and it really is whats inside the person that counts...

but thats a difficult question to answer without having second thoughts about what you say...

but i would have to say that in different situations different beauties give you an advantage in life depending on what you want to do...

hope this answers your question :]
Of course it does. People treat me differently than others because I am ';ugly';. I am always teased, and no guy ever notices me. No guy has ever smiled at me or flirted with me. No one has checked me out. I've never had a boyfriend, and I'm freaking 18. I know that I have a great personality, but guys just don't take the time to get to know the ';ugly face';. Trust me, I am always made fun of, and I am treated differently than my friends that are pretty. I posted my picture on here one time to see reactions, and everyone said how ugly I was.

Society really needs help discovering what true beauty is. I hate this world that I'm living in because of how people judge by looks so much. I am so fed up.
i think it does.

lets face it, first impressions do depend on how you look.

like if a stranger smiles at you and they are good looking, you're like 'oh, that persons nice.' but if an ugly stranger smiles at you, its like 'what do they want?!'

you can be yourself and let that shine through, but yeah looks do make people perceive you differently sometimes.
I think it does. Although we all would love to say it really is inner beauty that matters, we can't. Being ';beautiful'; can get you fancier jobs and people will generally be nicer to you. It sucks, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles :(
I think that beauty does give you an advantage, but it's not like people will die or be unsuccessful without it. Beauty is a good thing to have, but definately not everything.
Yes it does i mean guys who are pigs would most likely treat a girl who was beautiful better than a girl who was just butt ugly.
I think it gives an advantage to some extent. I mean, you're not going to get far in life for just being pretty.
i think it does of course it does people just dont want to admit it but in certain situations beauty really counts
it makes u more confidence.

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