Monday, November 21, 2011

Should beauty pageant contestant that engange in inappropriate behavior be given a secound chance?

Why or why not?Should beauty pageant contestant that engange in inappropriate behavior be given a secound chance?
You humans are still try to figure out what is and isn't appropriate.Should beauty pageant contestant that engange in inappropriate behavior be given a secound chance?
It depends on the rules of the pageant. If it is truly a beauty pageant, then I suppose yes, a second chance would be correct since inappropriate behavior has nothing to do with beauty. Perhaps the title should be changed, how about Morality Pageant?
i think so because they know not do the inapropriate behavior so yes. it also depends on what though , also they know now to stop and all that jazz! another reason is that the role model will be even better than before.

beauty pageant people should

be classy...not trashy.

they should know that.
Yes. Why? If you engaged in inappropriate behaviour, wouldn't you expect to be given a 2nd chance? Why should she be any different?
no cause they are a role model to kids. kids are going to think that its ok to do bad things and get away with it. they should see that there are consequences to acting inappropriately.
Ooooh! Tough question. At first I thought I knew how I would answer, No, they do not deserve a second chance. But after reading all the various responses and opinions here, I really don't know how I would answer.
no, because in real life people get second chances, but things like miss usa are based on how perfect someone can be and doing inappropriate things shouldn't be accepted
this reminds me of little miss sunshine. and no, not at all. beauty pageants shouldn't even be helf at all. judging people based on looks on horrible and should never, ever be done to a person
Yes they should, as long as it isn't murder or anything they shouldn't lose their position.
No, because if they're not responsible enough to not act indecent they don't deserve the title
Nah. If they're going to do stupid sh-t, don't leave evidence on the internet. Dumbasses.
Yes, Everyone deserves a second chance.
if u write what happened then people will have a better understanding and write you a better answer. :)
No, they know the rules, why should they be given a second chance
No. There aren't always second chances in life. =]
No, betch!
Not at all~

They are supposed to be showing a good example to our young women
no b/c they are expected to be role models
no cause duh
depends when and wat it was.....

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