Monday, November 21, 2011

Do you really think that all the beauty in the world just happened by chance or luck?

and the complexity of everything? no creator , just luck? is that what you believe? Do you really think that all the beauty in the world just happened by chance or luck?
Yes, it also explains all the disease, ugliness, whole predator/prey basis we see that people who state this seem to be ignoring when they talk about all the beauty of the world. The butterfly struggling in the spider's web and the shark fetus that is ';designed'; to eat its weaker siblings in the womb is better explain by nature by far to me then a benevolent deity.Do you really think that all the beauty in the world just happened by chance or luck?
Are you the authority on beauty? Do you think you and I would agree on what is beautiful and what is not, or do you think it's more subjective than that? If beauty cannot be universal, it cannot have been something that was 'created' universally. It has nothing to do with chance or luck or creation, but with a subjective, material conscious perceiving it. Complexity, likewise, is also in the eye of the beholder. You need to think more deeply about the concepts of beauty and complexity before using them as a rational for your personal beliefs.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For everything you can point to and call beautiful, I can find someone who thinks it's ugly.

As far as the overall argument, I'd say that saying ';goddunnit'; undermines the beauty and complexity that a creationist uses as evidence for God. How special is something when it can be replicated and surpassed at a whim? On the other hand, every nebula, every star, every living thing, and every planet and asteroid is one of a kind. It cannot be duplicated. We can clone up to a point, but we can't clone experiences and memories.
Oh Yay, this question again.

Look, here's how natural selection works (in a nutshell):

Strong traits are preferred within the species, and they are bred for. However, strong traits do not always remain so: as environmental conditions change external factors must be adapted for.

My favorite example is this: a sand dune.

One grain of sand, we'll call it ';woman's beauty'; starts to tumble down the dune where it bumps against other grains of sand, as they bump and tumble, the first grain takes a path that is, for all intents and purposes, completely random. That is, the path was NOT decided at the beginning but determined by the interactions of that first grain with all the other grains it encountered along the way.

That's why in America, in 2008, a beautiful woman looks like Angelina Jolie, but in 1927, Mae West was the standard of beauty. Go back to ancient Greece and you'll see a markedly different version reflected in the statues of Aphrodite.

Luck has nothing to do with it unless you presuppose a ';purposeful direction,'; which only believers seem to do. Atheists and freethinkers don't tend to get caught up in the idea of ';right'; evolution, or evolution leading to humans being ';the best'; animals on the planet. We may dominate now, but only in certain ecosystems where we've managed to maintain control. Try surviving in the mangrove swamps in Bangladesh sometime. Watch out for the tigers.
As an agnostic this is the million dollar question.

Humans are pretty remarkable creations, as is the rest of our planet and universes here and beyond.

To think so much perfect design occurred to get us to this point in time and it only happened through sheer luck, well doesn't sit too well with me.

I'm not saying there's a God(as a christian would state), far from it, but there is something far more intelligent and powerful at work than any human can perceive with their small minds.

I'll continue to ponder the question all my life I guess, but I know deep down i'll never know the true answer because it's a far bigger picture than i can ever comprehend.

This is what I believe:

1. Whenever I hear the song of a bird

Or look at the blue, blue sky,

Whenever I feel the rain on my face

Or the wind as it rushes by,

Whenever I touch a velvet rose

Or walk by our lilac tree,

I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world

Heav’nly Father created for me.

2. He gave me my eyes that I might see

The color of butterfly wings.

He gave me my ears that I might hear

The magical sound of things.

He gave me my life, my mind, my heart:

I thank him rev’rently

For all his creations, of which I’m a part.

Yes, I know Heav’nly Father loves me.

Words and music: Clara W. McMaster, 1904–1997. © 1961 IRI. Arr. © 1989 IRI

Not luck, because that's not how evolution and natural selection work, but yes, basically, all evidence points to the fact that everything that's here ';just happened,'; no divine intervention needed.

Arguments from incredulity don't hold water.
Of course not. The gnomes, fairies, %26amp; nymphs make everything beautiful. That's about as unridiculous as any other supernatural explination about a bored God that ';poofed'; everything into existance.
To an extent. However, since back in the days of the roman empire the ones with the most money had the most beauty and breeded together if you will.
If I believe that, I will also have to believe that all the buildings, and creations done by a human brain also happened by chance.
Ah, good old argument from personal incredulity, complexity and ignorance coupled with a straw man argument about chance. I love it.
do people born out of luck?no,there must b creator,the way our mother and father body made to bore childrens,not just happened by chance,it has purpose.



Things of beauty are symmetrical.

It's a bit of it all. Chance, luck, creator .
do you think that every thing is beautiful to everyone?

things evolved to what their present state, and we find certain things beautiful.
Generally speaking, I'd say yes, except when it comes to Carmen Electra.....
There isn't any evidence to the contrary.

You didn't pay much attention in school, did you?
I find it extremely hard to watch an awesome sunrise or sunset, or to see a flower in bloom, or go on a nature hike and see all the wonders of nature and not think that something had to get that ball rolling. We live on a planet with such awesome sights to see, such beauty, how could that just be luck?
Don't you know that the big bang put everything into systemic order. It created all life and the complexity of those living things. Just look at the human body and mind. - the big bang did all that. Isn't that the most amazing story you ever heard???

God created everything
No luck. Only a creator!

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